Tips For Managing Blackheads.
Did you know? Blackheads are not black because they are full of dirt. The black pigment is caused by oxidation. When pores get blocked with dead skin cells and oils, blackheads form. Chemical interaction with oxygen causes them to appear as black dots.
My tips for managing blackheads -
- Use a gentle, natural exfoliating brush on the affected area once a week.
- Use a charcoal based, natural face mask on the affected areas once a week. Look out for dry masks that you can add your own water to at home. Not only are they more cost effective, they will not contain synthetic preservatives (keep any eye out for my masks coming soon)
- Avoid comedogenic skincare ingredients on your face. I have written a blog on comedogenic ingredients on the "Education Hub" section on the website -
- Cleanse every night and morning using a natural, oil-based cleanser and warm (not hot) cloth.
For more tips follow me at @obvs_skincare
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My tips for managing blackheads -
- Use a gentle, natural exfoliating brush on the affected area once a week.
- Use a charcoal based, natural face mask on the affected areas once a week. Look out for dry masks that you can add your own water to at home. Not only are they more cost effective, they will not contain synthetic preservatives (keep any eye out for my masks coming soon)
- Avoid comedogenic skincare ingredients on your face. I have written a blog on comedogenic ingredients on the "Education Hub" section on the website -
- Cleanse every night and morning using a natural, oil-based cleanser and warm (not hot) cloth.
For more tips follow me at @obvs_skincare
Shop now at
#obvsessed #obvsskincare #skincarecheck #skincarethatsaves #veganlifestyle #skincare101 #skincarethatcares #letschangethefaceofskincare #skincarethatworks #skincarehacksuk #plantatree #babyadventures #ecologi #savetheplanet #hormonalacne #crueltyfreeuk #organicskincare #veganskincare #thisworkswonders
#dryskintreatment #psoriasiswarrior #dermatitistreatment #acnetreatment #spotstreatment #rosaceaadvice #acneandme #eczemarelief #acneadvice