Did you know that - Non-animal testing methods are actually more affective than animal testing?
Did you know that - Non-animal testing methods are actually more affective than animal testing?
Cruelty-Free International report -
Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs and mice only predict human reactions 72% and 82% of the time, respectively. But a combination of chemistry and cell-based alternative methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions more than 90% of the time.
The notorious Draize skin irritation test in rabbits can only predict human skin reactions 60% of the time. But using reconstituted human skin is up to 86% accurate.
The standard test on pregnant rats to find out if chemicals or drugs may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a cell-based test (EST) has 100% accuracy at detecting very toxic chemicals.
The expensive and time-consuming two-year rat study to assess whether a substance is cancerous to humans is only able to predict human cancer 42% of the time. A cell-based test (CTA), which has been in use for over 50 years, can predict 90% of known human carcinogens.
The cruel and unreliable shellfish toxin testing on live mice has now been fully replaced with a far superior analytical chemistry method that is better at protecting humans.
There is still a long way to go to ban animal testing but if we can all be mindful of what we are consuming by checking for Cruelty-Free status as well as signing all the petitions, we may make a small change that adds up to a BIG difference.
Check your skincare products for the official Leaping Bunny logo. 🐰
Obvs Skincare is certified Cruelty-Free, Vegan and Organic - you're in safe hands.
#obvsskincare #veganskincare #naturalskincare #healthyskin #skincarethatsaves #healthylifestyle #natureinspired #savetheanimals #plantbasedskincare #wellnessuk #handmadeskincare #babyskincare #crueltyfreeskincare #organicskincare #sustainableskincare #animalrights #crueltyfreeskincareuk #veganskincare #stoptesteoenanimales #animalsarelife #bananimaltesting #dogsarethebest #animalwelfareleague
Cruelty-Free International report -
Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs and mice only predict human reactions 72% and 82% of the time, respectively. But a combination of chemistry and cell-based alternative methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions more than 90% of the time.
The notorious Draize skin irritation test in rabbits can only predict human skin reactions 60% of the time. But using reconstituted human skin is up to 86% accurate.
The standard test on pregnant rats to find out if chemicals or drugs may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a cell-based test (EST) has 100% accuracy at detecting very toxic chemicals.
The expensive and time-consuming two-year rat study to assess whether a substance is cancerous to humans is only able to predict human cancer 42% of the time. A cell-based test (CTA), which has been in use for over 50 years, can predict 90% of known human carcinogens.
The cruel and unreliable shellfish toxin testing on live mice has now been fully replaced with a far superior analytical chemistry method that is better at protecting humans.
There is still a long way to go to ban animal testing but if we can all be mindful of what we are consuming by checking for Cruelty-Free status as well as signing all the petitions, we may make a small change that adds up to a BIG difference.
Check your skincare products for the official Leaping Bunny logo. 🐰
Obvs Skincare is certified Cruelty-Free, Vegan and Organic - you're in safe hands.
#obvsskincare #veganskincare #naturalskincare #healthyskin #skincarethatsaves #healthylifestyle #natureinspired #savetheanimals #plantbasedskincare #wellnessuk #handmadeskincare #babyskincare #crueltyfreeskincare #organicskincare #sustainableskincare #animalrights #crueltyfreeskincareuk #veganskincare #stoptesteoenanimales #animalsarelife #bananimaltesting #dogsarethebest #animalwelfareleague